the hottest curry, curry,spicy archzaki.blogspot.com

   One restaurant in New York, The Brick Lane Curry House, located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan creating super spicy curry menu. To make it just the chefs were required to wear gas masks.

   Curry named Phaal is touted as the world's hottest curry. Spiciness scale starting one million units scale scoville or equal to 200 times more spicy than Tabasco sauce. Curry was made from eight types of chili, including dragon Bhut Jolokia chili which is the maker of tear gas chilli Indian Military.

   A customer took more than 1 hour to eat this curry, including when he was hallucinating because of spiciness.

   The executive chef, Mohammed Karim, divulge the recipe of this super spicy curry. Among 20 dragon fruit chili (chili hottest in the world of Indian origin), 1 teaspoon chili extract pure dragon, 3 teaspoons chili powder extra hot, bindi spice mix, chopped onions, salt, and 6 pieces of cayenne pepper .

Phaal available with five different types of the curry chicken, lamb, mutton, paneer cheese or vegetables. The price varies from US $ 15 to US $ 21.

Customers are able to spend a bowl of curry will get a free beer gifts, certificates, and his name will be displayed in the restaurant.

"There is no love sincerer than the love of food."
                                                                                       George Bernard Shaw

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