
       Facts about water..?

    Did you know? If each dated August 31 to September 5 was celebrated as World Water Week
, as a form of campaign that most of us freely enjoy the clean water from the faucet, but out there, there are millions of people who can not enjoy such privileges.

        Industrial pollution, water pollution, and excessive consumption of water also contributed to the scare factor for the availability of clean water in the future. 

        Here are the facts about water and the fact that our lives can not be separated with water. 

1. Water is for Live

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   Approximately 70% of adult body consists of water. At birth, water accounts for approximately 80% of the weight of a baby. Blood is 92% water, the brain 75% water and muscles, and bones are about 22% water.

   At any time during the still life, our body loses water through perspiration, urination, defecation or exhaled breath. And we can only live less than about 3 days without water.


2.Drinking too much water can kill You

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          Drinking too much water can cause a fatal condition called "hyponatremia" also  known as water intoxication.
          This happens when the water dilute the sodium level in the bloodstream and causes an imbalance of water in the brain.


3.Drinking is not the only way to avoid dehidration

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     According to the Institute of Medicine, Water in food provides about 20% of the daily requirement of fluid in humans.
     and the water you get from the food as good as what you get from drinking water, "Pamela Peeke, MD, professor of medicine at the University of Maryland and author of Body for Life for Women, told ABC News. 


Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.

                                                                                                 Og Mandino


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