There is still a lot of mystery in the sea, including the creatures that live in it.

         Here some Unique and Cool Sea Creature... 

1.Mnemiopsis leidyi
  archzaki.blogspot.com, archzaki.net, Unique and Cool Sea Creature, Mnemiopsis, Sarcastic Fringehead

   Mnemiopsis have a lobed body that is oval-shaped and transparent, with four rows of ciliated combs that run along the body vertically and glow blue-green when disturbed. They have several feeding tentacles. Unlike cnidarians, Mnemiopsis doesn't sting. Their body contains 97% water. They are small organisms, having a maximum body length of roughly 7–12 centimetres (3–5 in) and a diameter of 2.5 centimetres (1 in).
2. Sarcastic fringehead
  archzaki.blogspot.com, archzaki.net, Unique and Cool Sea Creature, Mnemiopsis, Sarcastic Fringehead
.   The Sarcastic fringehead, Neoclinus blanchardi, is a small but ferocious fish which has a large mouth and aggressive territorial behavior, for which it has been given its common name.

   When two fringeheadhave a territorial battle, they wrestle by pressing their distended mouths against each other, as if they were kissing. This allows them to determine which is the larger fish, which establishes dominance.
3. Ribbon Eel
archzaki.blogspot.com, archzaki.net, Unique and Cool Sea Creature, Mnemiopsis, Sarcastic Fringehead, Ribbon Eel

.   The ribbon eel (Rhinomuraena quaesita) or Bernis eel, is a species of moray eel, the only member of the genus Rhinomuraena. What is now known as Rhinomuraena quaesita also includes the former Rhinomuraena amboinensis. R. quaesita was used for blue ribbon eel and R. amboinensis for black ribbon eel, but these are now recognized as the same species,. The ribbon eel is native to the Indo-Pacific ocean.
4. bobbit worm
archzaki.blogspot.com, archzaki.net, Unique and Cool Sea Creature, bobbit worm, Mnemiopsis, Sarcastic Fringehead, Ribbon Eel
   Eunice aphroditois (colloquially known as the Bobbit(t) worm), is an aquatic predatory polychaete worm dwelling at the ocean floor. This organism buries its long body into an ocean bed composed of gravel, mud, or corals, where it waits patiently for a stimulus to one of its five antennae, attacking when it senses prey. Armed with sharp teeth, it is known to attack with such speeds, its prey is sometimes sliced in half. Although the worm hunts for food, it is omnivorous.

5. Salp
archzaki.blogspot.com, archzaki.net, Unique and Cool Sea Creature, bobbit worm, Mnemiopsis, Sarcastic Fringehead, Ribbon Eel  , salp
.   A salp (plural salps) or salpa (plural salpae or salpas) is a barrel-shaped, planktonic tunicate. It moves by contracting, thus pumping water through its gelatinous body.
   This is also used for locomotion, and salp jet propulsion is one of the most efficient in the animal kingdom.
  The salp strains the pumped water through its internal feeding filters, feeding on phytoplankton.

archzaki.net, archzaki.blogspot.com, kaskus icon, matabelo
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