archzaki.blogspot.com, sun

Painting using Sunlight ...?.

   Each artist has his own way to express their talents. However, Jordan Mang-osan apparently more interested in painting with sunlight.

 The tool is a magnifying glass that is used to reflect sunlight onto a wooden canvas. The reflection of the beam will leave dark traces on the surface of the canvas, which is then arranged into an epic picture.

archzaki.blogspot.com, jordan mang ,painting with sunlight, archzaki.blogspot.com, painting with sunlight, jordan mang osan, highland painting

   Jordan comes from the Cordillera, Philippines. Because he comes from the mountainous regions, Jordan is very good at drawing the beautiful scenery of rice fields Philippines, the lives of indigenous people and traditional culture in the region.

archzaki.blogspot.com, painting with sunlight, jordan mang osan

   Jordan begin his artistic career at the age of 19 years. In 1996, he began to help build Tam-Awan Village and Chanum foudation, with the aim of creating an artist village in the middle of the city of Baguio. The village will showcase the culture and way of life in the highlands.

archzaki.blogspot.com, painting with sunlight, jordan mang osan, highland painting
“I dream my painting and I paint my dream.”
                                                                   Vincent van Gogh

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