Did you ever imagine that there is life in a drop of water..?

   Here are some photos life in a drop of water that you can not see, a life in water that will not be seen by our eyes. This photo was taken through a microscope is directed at a drop of water . Numbers written at the end is a multiple of enlargement.

for 1.Daphnia magna (freshwater water flea) (100X):
archzaki.net, archzaki.blogspot.com, life in a drop of water Daphnia magna (freshwater water flea)
 looks like elephant..?
for 2.Nassula ornata (freshwater ciliate),(630X):
archzaki.net, archzaki.blogspot.com, life in a drop of water Nassula ornata (freshwater ciliate),(630X)
hmm...archzaki.net, archzaki.blogspot.com, life in a drop of water , confuse
for 3.Hydra sp. capturing water flea (40X):
	archzaki.net, archzaki.blogspot.com, life in a drop of water NHydra sp. capturing water flea (40X)
for 4.Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Whitespotted bamboo shark):
archzaki.net, archzaki.blogspot.com, life in a drop of water, Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Whitespotted bamboo shark)
a Shark...?archzaki.net, archzaki.blogspot.com, life in a drop of water, Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Whitespotted bamboo shark), confuse

for 5.Water droplet containing a pair of mosquito larvae:
	archzaki.net, archzaki.blogspot.com, life in a drop of water, Water droplet containing a pair of mosquito larvae
for 6.Leptodora kindtii (giant waterflea) eye:
archzaki.net, archzaki.blogspot.com, life in a drop of water, Leptodora kindtii (giant waterflea) eye
for 7.Daphnia sp. (water flea) and Volvox sp. (green algae):
 	archzaki.net, archzaki.blogspot.com, life in a drop of water, Daphnia sp. (water flea) and Volvox sp. (green algae)

archzaki.blogspot.com, kaskus icon, matabelo
 even in a drop of water , there is a life in there

Life originated in the sea, and about eighty percent of it is still there.
- Isaac Aasimov, Isaac Asimov's Book of Science and Nature Quotations, 1988

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