There are a wide variety of cucumbers, but all kinds will have similar attributes and will have generally the same effect when used as a dermatological product. Cucumbers are made up of about 90% water and therefore can work as a cooling agent. The water in the meat of the Cucumbers keeps it cool and moist and at a perfect temperature for reducing swelling, particularly in the soft and fragile skin under the eyes, which after a stressful day at work can turn into dark or puffy circles. Cool cucumbers placed over the eyes can drastically reduce puffiness, and even make dark circles disappear. The quiet time to relax and shut your eyes while you let the cucumbers work their magic on your eyes can also be beneficial. Simply taking a break, sitting back, and relaxing can make you feel invigorated and energized.

    Besides using slices of cucumber to place directly over your eyes, Cucumber masks have become quite popular. Cucumber masks are particularly good for skin that has been damaged by the sun or by acne. Cucumbers contain strong hydrating qualities and can quickly revitalize dry and damaged skin. Applying a cucumber mask for 2-3 consecutive days can make a marked difference in your skin quality. Your skin will feel hydrated, yet clean and free of heavy oils-something that is sometimes hard to achieve by using lotions. A smooth and bright complexion will make anyone look younger and healthier.

   Cucumber is not only beneficial when applied directly to the skin, but can also improve the appearance and health of the skin when it is eaten. Cucumbers are rich in silica, a substance that is extremely important to building and maintaining our connective tissues. Connective tissues are important in keeping our skin looking young and healthy and wrinkle-free

Glamour is about feeling good in your own skin.
                                                                                                      Zoe Saldana

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