World's Most Dangerous Caterpillar hairs
Part 2

3. The Monarch Caterpillar

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   His appearance was cute, yellow striped black and white. The bright colors give the message that  this worm has poison.they obtain it from the leaves they eat. When these caterpillars are hatched, it's  not visible to the human eye because their size is so small.
    These caterpillars grow very fast, it has an average length of 2 inches (about 5 cm). If it becomes a  butterfly, Monarch Caterpillar is very pretty and beautiful and is known as the "King" the most  beautiful of all butterflies in North America.

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4. The Gypsy Moth Caterpillar

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   Unique characteristics of this type of worm is to have a lot of hair on his head, but the body of  the    caterpillar is only slightly hairy. The hair can cause pain and dermatitis for those who touch it. They    are very fond of some types of leaves of mapple, elm and oak. These caterpillars can also cause trees  become dead. 
   This caterpillar is the larva of Lymantria dispar, dispar which is also known as gypsy moths, which  can be found in Europe, Africa, and North America.

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5. The Bag Shelter Caterpillar

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   Among all kinds of other caterpillars, this caterpillars are very toxic and dangerous, can lead to  death in humans. The initial symptoms are caused shortness of breath and a rash all over body.
   These  caterpillars eat leaves, and come out at night and have the habit to always assemble. These  caterpillars are the larvae of a type of  moth.

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6. The Puss Caterpillar

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    The most poisonous caterpillar in North America is the Puss Caterpillar or Woolly Slug. Do not be  fooled by the appearance of a hairy ball like cotton because it will release the acid on anything that  touched with poisonous spines all over its body. 
   Symptoms of a sting can last several days and include headache, nausea and vomiting.This  caterpillar can be found in citrus trees, elm and oak.
    The larvae of this opercularis Megalopyge scattered in the southern United States, Mexico, and  Central America.

for moth

 Wow... some of them are very cool.., & beautiful  .
                                                       but it's pretty scary too..

well this not over yet, part 3 is coming soon....

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