Here the part 2 of Facts About Water

4. Earth barely containing clean water

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   In fact, 97% of water on earth is made ​​up of salt water, 2% again locked or frozen in ice and glaciers.

   This is proof that we and other living things (animals and plants) just enjoy the 1% only of the availability of water in the earth.

5. The power of water at home

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   According to the UN, energy and water are interdependent. Generation and transmission of primary energy sources such as hydro, nuclear, and thermal power requires access to vast resources of water.

   Approximately 75% of all industrial water consumption is used for energy production. The transition to renewable energy sources, like solar and wind will drastically reduce water consumption.

6. All the water on Earth can be recycled

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 Earth is a closed system, similar to a terrarium, meaning there will be no less or excess water 

 Water on earth today is the same as the water that is in the Earth  millions of years ago, water  constantly being cleaned and distributed through the water cycle.

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