-- Rats Will Amounting Sheep  in the Future --

   Rats can grow up to the size of a sheep or even greater as they evolve to fill the empty ecological niche.

This theory was put forward by Dr Jan Zalasiewicz, a geologist from the University of Leicester. According to him, the rats that had a remarkable ability to adapt to take advantage of the larger mammals to extinction.

"Animals will evolve over time into a form that allows them to survive and produce offspring," said Dr Zalasiewicz.

"For example, in the Cretaceous Period, when dinosaurs still alive, there are also a number of mammals, but they are very small, about the size of a rat. Reason, when the dinosaur was the one who fills the larger ecological niches.
"Only after the dinosaurs became extinct, these small mammals evolved into a variety of shapes including very large as Brontotherium, horses, mastodons, elephants, rhinoceros, and others.

"If you have enough time, mice can develop at least until the possibility of capybara, the largest rodent alive today (in South America), which can weigh up to 80 kilograms.

"If there is space still empty ecology, these mice can still grow into bigger then."

Largest rodent that has been extinct, Josephoartegasia monesi, who lived three million years ago, is larger than a bull weighing more than a ton.
Overview of this theory can be seen in the "rat island" is an isolated area where the mice rapidly developed into the dominant species.

"Rat island" has become a laboratory for studying the evolution of rodents in the future.

"Rats are the best examples of species that we have spread throughout the world, and has been successfully adapted to many new environments into which they live," said Dr Zalasiewicz.

"These mice lived on many islands around the world, and once they are there, they are very difficult to eradicate. Once there, they can compete with many native species of the island and push the species towards extinction.

"As a result,  ecological niches became vacant, and these mice are likely to replenish a significant part of that niche."
Wow.. What..? really..??
what do you think about this...?? 

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